__Troops Relocation__ mission allows relocating troops among your domains.\\
The mission is launched from the Kingdom Map screen after clicking city-destination, which has to be not your current domain.\\
\\[{Image src='relocate.jpg' align='center' }]
__Mission Speed__. \\The mission travels twice as fast as attack missions.\\
__Withdrawal__. \\"Troops Relocation" mission can be withdrawn until troops didn’t come too close to the place of destination. \\
A possibility to withdraw mission becomes blocked one minute before arrival.\\
__Squad award__\\
The slower mission’s travelling speed is, the less the mission will cost.\\
As troops arrive to a new city they begin to consume salary from the city.\\
__ Rest__\\
After troops have been relocated they will require one minute for rest.\\
Troops Relocation to ally or clan-mate’s domain is called [Assistance|Assist].