Faction war tournament

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Faction war tournament

#1 Post by Fentdog »

How about a tournament where over some period, say 7 days, the player who gets the highest faction loyalty rating wins a prize.
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Re: Faction war tournament

#2 Post by Fentdog »

Another idea, with the new monsters annihilator ranking, have a tournament for most monsters destroyed in a week.

Could make this a more fair tournament by having it based on your army strength, so something like:

value of monsters / (total value of army / 1 000 000)
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Re: Faction war tournament

#3 Post by FireKitty »

i dont think that will be fair for new players, as high lvl player can only 1 attack and get SO MUCH fraction point that 1-2-3-4* player can only dream to overcome it.
so if u still think u need that tournament that mean this only for 5* players.

even though i think that may be nice idea if tournament will be based on your rank.

so all 1* players - they have tournament among 1* only - so the one who reach the most fraction point win between 1*,
same for 2*, 3*, and so on.

and about the prices... admins will think about it :)
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Re: Faction war tournament

#4 Post by Ephialtis »

FireKitty wrote:i dont think that will be fair for new players
Without a complex series of levels, no context will be fair to new players. A better way of putting that is that performing well in tournaments depends on your level -- something to aim for.
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Re: Faction war tournament

#5 Post by wreckyourtown »

The faction wont work just the bigger players will turn renegade and exchange with friends , i think its a good idea though even the monsters would be better as it would be hard to get around putting in the work there.
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Re: Faction war tournament

#6 Post by Arbash »

At the moment we are already working on a new type of Tournaments. I don`t think another one is planned to be developed.
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Re: Faction war tournament

#7 Post by ozzy16 »

@ Arbash.

Do tell what kind of tournament? If you read the blurb about the flags it suggests there may be another colour!!

Ruler, the most ancient documents claim that many different nations – ancestors of demons and elves, and other folks long forgotten - lived in our world before. Recurring wars, including intestine wars, tore the world apart. Each nation had its own color of banners. Red was the color of prehistorical demons, green – of prehistorical elves, and the blue color symbolized the unity of two nations that are not known now. «Gold ages» set in only after all three nations began to live in peace. That is the symbolic site of flag set. And ten flag sets are promised to be gracefully rewarded by Faction Council!
Dark Elves branched off long after those times and knights came to our world not so long ago. Therefore none of them have their own Ancient Flags. But who knows what will come along?..

Objective: assemble 10 flag sets

Hint: Accomplishments for this quests will be added from several tournaments «Flag hunting».
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Re: Faction war tournament

#8 Post by tawiti »

hi guys,

this is more for active players...

Feel that ML Game would be more fun for active players if they create a tournament like event such as "Royal Rumble"

During Royal Rumble event, every1 who are able and willing can participate by clicking some button so that those who are unwilling do not have to suffer in this Royal Battle

All players who accept to be entered in Royal Rumble are gathered in window list similar to rating system so as to make it convenient to look for target

Anti spy are deactivated coz this is contest of armies might, skills and strategies not contest of spies

If possible distance for spying is also be unlocked just for dis event so dat more people can attack each others.

Players can attack 1lvl lower than his lvl, example, Lvl5 players can attack lvl4 and so on but for higher attacking lower, it cannot be a join attacked coz it will be too overwhelming.

xp rewards in this royal rumble is double

BG is needed to participate (game owners are so happy to hear this)

for now these are all i can come up with

Plz bring some fresh air to this old game - there are so many new games out there

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Re: Faction war tournament

#9 Post by tawiti »

plz make dis game more alive to active players

it is getting boring to be farmers and miners

let's test our strategies too

do smthing new plz...

i am so bored
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Re: Faction war tournament

#10 Post by sliph »

tawiti wrote:plz make dis game more alive to active players

it is getting boring to be farmers and miners

let's test our strategies too

do smthing new plz...

i am so bored
The only thing that is really making the game boring is the fact that the top 25-50 players are just way too strong. It's not even possible for someone newer to even catch up. There's really almost not point in anyone beginning a new account on this server or others that have been around a long time...the power gap is just too much and that's why it's boring because only a few have the power, and only 2 people can joint attack meaning they can't be stopped really.
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Re: Faction war tournament

#11 Post by KarsaOrlong »

I totaly agree with you, Sliph. But...

You can still grow in this game. If you don't annoy the top players, and if you are backed-up by a few of them, you still can have fun attacking suzarians of your own size. Also, I compaired our different rankings, and you don't seem interested in catching up with those top players?
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