my salt lake under attack

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my salt lake under attack

#1 Post by TheQuintus »

I'v found two untouched salt lakes from the time I started playing the game(a half year ago),exactly 6 lakes,yet not all are untoched,I don't have the might to seize one from big players.

here it's the one I have found 5 days ago,now it's under attack from the powerful hydra clan.
temple.jpg (82.12 KiB) Viewed 5505 times
salt lake under attack mission.jpg
salt lake under attack.jpg
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Re: my salt lake under attack

#2 Post by Vwarrior »

Alays have level 7 temple when you have to temple more then 1 player and you can buy more temple points. They are 1 of the best clans in the game...
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Re: my salt lake under attack

#3 Post by TheQuintus »

Vwarrior wrote:Alays have level 7 temple when you have to temple more then 1 player and you can buy more temple points. They are 1 of the best clans in the game...
Yeah,lvl 7 temple is better than lvl 4,but the lvl 7 temple demands more main rating points,and I don't wanna reach Suzerain at all,although I have a quite amount of troops stored in my quest rewards,but I don't have powerful artefacts or spells against them.

Anyway,I am going to store more by asking extra temple points from gods so I will be able to hold them longer next time.
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Re: my salt lake under attack

#4 Post by Ephialtis »

The main defence strategy is to build two Fortifications, one Fighting Tower, and one Magic Tower, and upgrade them as high as you can as quickly as you can. The Lake can only be taken when all defensive buildings are removed, so that slows things down a bit. If you have any gear, hero skills, or scrolls that slow down incoming attacks, use them; make it as expensive as possible to attack.

Unfortunately, though, some of the big clans seem genuinely to believe that they have a right to all Salt lakes, and are furious that anyone else should have one (as if you'd performed some terrible immoral act). Holding a Salt Lake is therefore largely a matter of luck -- you simply hope that no-one finds it for a while...
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